I've got some Splaining to do!
Hello Family, Friends, and perhaps random wanderers.
It has been quite a while I have kept you waiting and I hope your still reading! The planned trip took quite a bit of time out of a day and left little to do except respond to emails. I'm hunkered down in Frankfurt on a rainy day and have all the time in the world to blog (well at least until 10pm when the price of this internet cafe jumps exponentially). So I apologize for keeping your waiting, and without further ado I'd like to start back on a bang.
I have loads of great stories, memories, and pictures to share with you from my 15 day long adventure with NETC but I sat down to write my blog and only got maybe 1\5th of the story down. So instead I think I'll be releasing them in segments intermingled with current events and posts. This post there fore begins on August 11th at 6am in a small German town called Rothenburg...

DAY 14 I watched as all the people who I'd become closer to these past two weeks rolled off on a bus headed out of Rothenburg towards Frankfurt. Some pretty heavy travel and then the comforts of home awaited them. As it rounded the corner I went back up to my room to lay in bed and catch a bit more sleep. My mind was racing and excited so instead I finished The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. It was a fantastic book, I've written a short review on it in my private journal and may post it here -- I don't know if you guys want to read other topics or strictly trip thoughts (gimme some feedback on this). I switched to a smaller and less expensive room but had to wait a few hours for it to be cleaned. I unloaded my gear and went off to find a Post office to send postcards, a internet cafe to update blog and check email, and a call shop to buy a phone card. I walked back 2 hours later throughly unsuccessful, but instead had found out when the Train to Berlin left the next morning. I slept till about 5 and then reattacked the Internet Problem with a bit more energy and successfully found one. I sent my emails and printed out my Tax forms (yes i am that late on taxes -- gotta love extentions!) just before the owner closed, He was however done for the weekend and i couldnt burn my photos onto a disk, very unfortunate but it's ok. I enjoyed a long conversation with my dad. I went to sleep with my Taxes complete and feeling good about life on the road.
I woke up the next morning and packed all my stuff to head on out to Berlin. I'm meeting a buddy there on the 18th (if vince can ever get his ticket info sorted out :) jk pal) and as I'm thinking about it I realize he will want to see the city to and I dont want to spend 10 days in Berlin -- talk abt a waste of money. So instead i realize all the other options available to me. I debate between Nuremburg, Frankfurt, The Black Forest and finally decide on Stuttgart. Stuttgart is a very modern town kindof hidden from the international view. It has a kind of clean efficiency one would expect from a modern German town, and also happens to be the birthplace of someone I love dearly. So it was kind of a no brainer to head over there. As I read my guidebooks on the train I was pleasantly surprised to find both Mercedes and Porsche house their factories in Stuttgart. I called a local Hostel upon my arrival and got a room for the night at a reasonable price. After dropping off my bags and charging up my various Electronic Gadgets I headed out to get some laundry done, sadly the laundromat was closed by the time I got there because I had spent to much time at a nearby Internet Cafe. I dropped off my clothes and went out in search of food. I was disappointed to find Mensa (the college food eatery not the high IQ association) closed, so I instead had some Turkish dish at a local place. Döner meat with fries and potato salad. I went home and enjoyed a decent nights rest.
My intention was to spend a few days here in Stuttgart and resituate and get everything set up for continuing, however I was sad to find out the hostel was entirely booked. I stowed my stuff did laundry and email, came back backed up and left on the next train out (I think I will be back on my way to Berlin to see the Car Factories). I did find an English Bookstore and picked up The old man and the Sea, The 5 people you meet in heaven, and Deception Point. I finished 5 people you meet and am almost done with Deception Point, again reviews are available if interested (I saw this idea on Ben Casnocha's Blog which my brother updates me on from time to time. Give it a look if you have a minute [http://bigben.blogs.com/first/]). The train ride to Frankfurt was uneventful and only took place because I could not get in contact with the Hostel in Tübingen (a wonderful little town I also have plans to visit on Nat's recomendation). However I have fallen in love with Frankfurt, even in poor weather its beauty is obvious, I think I may stay a few days and get my stuff in order here like I was planning to do in Stuttgart. Anywho I read Deception Point, had a long convo with Natalie and then went to sleep.
Here we are at today, I know this is a long post but Its almost over... bear with me for a few more lines and I'll grant you freedom until next time.
The Trip so far had left me exhausted and I slept in until 2 in the afternoon, I woke up and tooled around Frankfurt for a bit and enjoyed a wonderful ente dish at a Thai Restuarant, Ironically even the Thai workers were using forks and i was the only one eating with chopsticks, Ironic to me at least. I now have found a relativly cheap internet cafe and I'm going to work on getting the NETC tour note part one up tonight... keep your fingers crossed.
OK im going to sign off and go back to get my notes. Hopefully I can get almost done tonight, I have 4 hours roughly until the prices jump... game on!
See you soon
It has been quite a while I have kept you waiting and I hope your still reading! The planned trip took quite a bit of time out of a day and left little to do except respond to emails. I'm hunkered down in Frankfurt on a rainy day and have all the time in the world to blog (well at least until 10pm when the price of this internet cafe jumps exponentially). So I apologize for keeping your waiting, and without further ado I'd like to start back on a bang.
I have loads of great stories, memories, and pictures to share with you from my 15 day long adventure with NETC but I sat down to write my blog and only got maybe 1\5th of the story down. So instead I think I'll be releasing them in segments intermingled with current events and posts. This post there fore begins on August 11th at 6am in a small German town called Rothenburg...

DAY 14 I watched as all the people who I'd become closer to these past two weeks rolled off on a bus headed out of Rothenburg towards Frankfurt. Some pretty heavy travel and then the comforts of home awaited them. As it rounded the corner I went back up to my room to lay in bed and catch a bit more sleep. My mind was racing and excited so instead I finished The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. It was a fantastic book, I've written a short review on it in my private journal and may post it here -- I don't know if you guys want to read other topics or strictly trip thoughts (gimme some feedback on this). I switched to a smaller and less expensive room but had to wait a few hours for it to be cleaned. I unloaded my gear and went off to find a Post office to send postcards, a internet cafe to update blog and check email, and a call shop to buy a phone card. I walked back 2 hours later throughly unsuccessful, but instead had found out when the Train to Berlin left the next morning. I slept till about 5 and then reattacked the Internet Problem with a bit more energy and successfully found one. I sent my emails and printed out my Tax forms (yes i am that late on taxes -- gotta love extentions!) just before the owner closed, He was however done for the weekend and i couldnt burn my photos onto a disk, very unfortunate but it's ok. I enjoyed a long conversation with my dad. I went to sleep with my Taxes complete and feeling good about life on the road.
I woke up the next morning and packed all my stuff to head on out to Berlin. I'm meeting a buddy there on the 18th (if vince can ever get his ticket info sorted out :) jk pal) and as I'm thinking about it I realize he will want to see the city to and I dont want to spend 10 days in Berlin -- talk abt a waste of money. So instead i realize all the other options available to me. I debate between Nuremburg, Frankfurt, The Black Forest and finally decide on Stuttgart. Stuttgart is a very modern town kindof hidden from the international view. It has a kind of clean efficiency one would expect from a modern German town, and also happens to be the birthplace of someone I love dearly. So it was kind of a no brainer to head over there. As I read my guidebooks on the train I was pleasantly surprised to find both Mercedes and Porsche house their factories in Stuttgart. I called a local Hostel upon my arrival and got a room for the night at a reasonable price. After dropping off my bags and charging up my various Electronic Gadgets I headed out to get some laundry done, sadly the laundromat was closed by the time I got there because I had spent to much time at a nearby Internet Cafe. I dropped off my clothes and went out in search of food. I was disappointed to find Mensa (the college food eatery not the high IQ association) closed, so I instead had some Turkish dish at a local place. Döner meat with fries and potato salad. I went home and enjoyed a decent nights rest.
My intention was to spend a few days here in Stuttgart and resituate and get everything set up for continuing, however I was sad to find out the hostel was entirely booked. I stowed my stuff did laundry and email, came back backed up and left on the next train out (I think I will be back on my way to Berlin to see the Car Factories). I did find an English Bookstore and picked up The old man and the Sea, The 5 people you meet in heaven, and Deception Point. I finished 5 people you meet and am almost done with Deception Point, again reviews are available if interested (I saw this idea on Ben Casnocha's Blog which my brother updates me on from time to time. Give it a look if you have a minute [http://bigben.blogs.com/first/]). The train ride to Frankfurt was uneventful and only took place because I could not get in contact with the Hostel in Tübingen (a wonderful little town I also have plans to visit on Nat's recomendation). However I have fallen in love with Frankfurt, even in poor weather its beauty is obvious, I think I may stay a few days and get my stuff in order here like I was planning to do in Stuttgart. Anywho I read Deception Point, had a long convo with Natalie and then went to sleep.
Here we are at today, I know this is a long post but Its almost over... bear with me for a few more lines and I'll grant you freedom until next time.
The Trip so far had left me exhausted and I slept in until 2 in the afternoon, I woke up and tooled around Frankfurt for a bit and enjoyed a wonderful ente dish at a Thai Restuarant, Ironically even the Thai workers were using forks and i was the only one eating with chopsticks, Ironic to me at least. I now have found a relativly cheap internet cafe and I'm going to work on getting the NETC tour note part one up tonight... keep your fingers crossed.
OK im going to sign off and go back to get my notes. Hopefully I can get almost done tonight, I have 4 hours roughly until the prices jump... game on!
See you soon
re: I don't know if you guys want to read other topics or strictly trip thoughts (gimme some feedback on this).
I think uploading any essays or links to other stuff you are seeing or thinking would be great. Travel is about self-discovery, and posting thoughts, analysis, links, facts, etc., would be great (to me at least).
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