Sunday, July 24, 2005

Quick Catch Up

Well nothing mind boggling. I have yet to really reflect on Madison or My girlfriend since I made those posts. Well not like I've been thinking alot and heres what I want to say on the topic type reflection. And I think any reflections on Natalie I would do probably won't make the public blog, but the private journal.

Aside from that I have been simply coping with getting outta here. Kansas City, MO was a nice relaxing break from the go-go-go pace of Denver. I'm glad I was there, and I'm really glad I could help a little, but I don't envy the work that lies ahead of Caleb and Nance with not only the baby but the house, and jobs. YIKES!! They are probably pretty stressed out... everyone should send love.

KC was awesome, I got to visit with Mike and family. Nathan and Joy are doing great. I had an awesome day just hanging out with the family. I left for Newark, NJ and rode a train down to Washington, DC to see the Glicks. I promptly passed out for 10 bajillion hours and only got time to chat with Dave who shares my bad sleeping hours. I fully intend to change that and need to get to sleep ASAP. I leave tommorrow at about 1230 for my train back and the flight out of Newark is at 630.

I have to get some packing or something done so I can consolidate into one pack instead of having an extra bag (no joke... only for books -- I had so much to read and I didn't want to miss any of the travel guides (thank you to the Nevilles), now I want to keep them so I can reference the Cities and info. but I think I may just have to count on memory) I also think I might have spelled Neville wrong but it is 430 am so I think it'll be ok. I have yet to hear from Vince which is concerning, but will work itself out.

I also read two really good books that I will review for you later (I think I'm going to set up a seperate sight that I can link to, we'll see)

Never Eat Alone
Liar's Poker

I'm halfway through Moneyball, which was recomended by both Kei and Caleb, they both have good taste. I am enjoying it tremoundously. The other two were awesome as well... I highly recommend all three.

mmmmkay everyone look for more updates from Spain. Goodnight


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