Sunday, June 26, 2005

Trip Details Update

In the last week I have gotten my IDP, ISIC, and gotten a bunch of books from vinny's parents. here's my email to Aysin which explains what all those acronyms are.

Thanks so much for ordering these books. I'm really excited to tear
through them, I've been reading a lot of travel guides lately and am
specifically excited to read lonely planet, I hear it has excellent
content. Vince and I were supposed to get together for our first
planing session yesterday and today but my immunization shots and a
rescheduled dentist visit have wreaked havoc on our plans.
I'm sure Vince has told you we got the YHA hostel
memberships which entitles us to not only stay at YHA hostels but also
earn free nights and it doubles as a good phone card that includes
free Voice mail. Kind of like a reward system for hotels, minus the
big bucks for the rooms!
Also we both signed up for ISIC cards (International Student
Identification) which gives us discounts and tremendous insurance (for
the entirety of the trip we have 250k in Emergency Evacuation
Insurance, 5k in accidental medical expense, 250$ passport
replacement, and 100$ per day sickness and hospital. There are a few
other coverages but these seem to be the most beneficial). ISIC also
has a 24 hour a day emergency and legal hot line. Thought the card was
a steal at the reg. fee price.
Lastly it is probably wholly unnecessary but I got an IDP
(international driving permit), I don't foresee travelling by car but
If we get the opportunity or get stuck in a jam I thought it might
come in handy to be able to drive in a non English speaking country
and have the proof required. I got one a AAA and I don't think Vince
needs to waste the money to get one.
I think Vince and I are going to be finalizing the Itinerary
either today or Friday, These books coming in will probably change
what we want to see so I think we should all have a meeting together
say 3-5 days after they arrive, I'll ask my dad if he can sit in -
he's relatively free these days and as long as nothing comes up he's
an excellent resource on some of this common sense stuff I tend to
overlook in my excitement. Thanks again for the books and links, I'm
sure I'll see you both soon.

It was nice to finally get alot of that crap done. We have been putting off planing so we are going to do it tonight -- well i am while vince does manual labor at my apartment, so much more to come tomorrow!


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