Thursday, July 14, 2005

Extraordinary Visions

Vince left this morning and as I was sitting around waiting for my sister I decided to watch a DVD. I took a copy of Extraordinary Visions with Dewitt Jones. The one hour long presentation is essentially a man and his view on life. What he thinks we can learn from his experiences, which essentially boil down into two, bumper-sticker sized, Mantra-isms.

  1. Carpe Diem, Latin for seize the day
  2. Take it all in, and give it all back

The second one resonated with me alot. I really realize that in dealing with social connections and I estimate in greater life, you don't get happy by playing your cards close to your breast, but when you play face up... and trust those at the table with the whole truth and your successes and failures, your assests and flaws, you find what truly makes life worth living.

This is significant for my trip, It gives me a method to test my hypothesis. Will I be able to interact with strangers and give out my very best? If I can, will they respond, will they appreciate the effort even if it doesn't effect thier day at all. How do people react, when others give it all, regardless of the result. It has made me think about human interaction, and greatness in self.

Great DVD, I recomend watching it.


Blogger Diane said...

well congrats on being an uncle-- your visit had an unexpected highlight!! will be in touch soon re relationships thoughts

7/17/2005 11:24 AM  

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