Thursday, November 17, 2005

Bye Bye Ya'll

Well this is the last update of Guerilla Culture, thank you for reading and please look out for my new blogs.

plus my Project's website

It's been a blast these last few months, but as I move on to new eras of my life, I have to switch up my focus. I look forward to earning your continued readership.

God Bless,
Tyler Willis

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

OK, I know I'm bad but...

Ok, so this will be my second to last post here. the last will let you know all the whats going on in the future and how do i figgure that out.

I've been hard at work getting up Project: NOLA in between sightseeing and reading. Check it out, you'll see what I'm up to and you might even dig it,

anyway i went to the vatican today for all saints day. Let me tell you what, If there is any place on earth that could inspire an atheist to convert its seeing St. Peter's Basilica, if there is any place on earth that could inspire the most pious man to accept Sartre's existentialism (see "Hell is other people") it's being a tourist at St. Peters.

I am fully convinced that 95% of the world is completely unworthy of walking on two feet. I won't get into my anger, except to say that I figured that if there was anyplace on earth to practice forgiveness it was here (noticing a trend?) so I actually asked god to lift the anger out of me and allow me to forgive. It worked the first few times, then I'm pretty sure God was mad at them too.

OK I'm off to do a little work and then sleep. Tommorrow I see the Pope's general audience and the next day I fly out.
